British Freemasonry in Düsseldorf

Based in Düsseldorf Lodge Niederrhein N°892 is a member of the Grand Lodge of British Freemasonry in Germany under the auspices of the United Grand Lodges of Germany. 
We are a truly international Brotherhood with members from all over the world with the common good of benevolence, charity and comradeship as its aim.

For visiting Brethren 

Our Lodge meetings are held on the first Monday of February-May and September-December. Our Installation meetings are held on the first Saturday of June.​ The Lodge is dark in July, August and January.

Lodge House Düsseldorf
Uhlandstr. 42, 40237 Düsseldorf

Free Parking for visitors is available on the street as well as in the backyard of the lodge house (left entrance). The Lodge House is served by the restaurant "Flammkuchen Manufaktur" (accepts debit/credit card). 

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British Freemasonry in Germany

British Freemasonry has been in Germany for more than 50 years.  

Currently, there are 18 Lodges within our Grand Lodge located all over Germany – from Hamburg in the North, Berlin in the East, Düsseldorf in the West and Munich in the South.
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Our main concentration of Lodges is North West Germany as a consequence of the British Forces presence in post-war Germany.

see list of member lodges

Grand Lodge BFG Login

As a registered member, please log in to view further information for Grand Lodge BFG members. 

If you would like to register for the members' area, please contact your local secretary to request a login on your behalf.

login for members

visit GL BFG website

Why Freemasonry?

As one of the oldest secular social and charitable organisations in the world, modern Freemasonry’s roots lie in the traditions of the medieval stonemasons who built our castles and cathedrals.

For Freemasons, there are four important values that help define their path through life: Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Charity. In today’s world filled with uncertainty, these principles ring as true now as they have at any point in the organisation’s history.

Membership is open to men over 21 from all backgrounds and the organisation’s aim is to empower members to be the best they can be – it’s about building character, supporting members as individuals and helping them make a positive contribution to society.

No one should join Freemasonry unless he can afford to pay the expenses involved without affecting his ability to support his family. These expenses include the joining fee, the annual subscription and a donation to charity measured on what the individual member can afford.

What it's not about

Freemasonry is not a religion, nor is it a substitute for religion. Its essential qualification opens it to men of many religions and it expects them to continue to follow their own faith. It does not allow religion to be discussed within the Lodge.

Freemasonry is not connected in any way with a political creed. A Freemason's political views are his own and a Lodge may well have members belonging to many different democratic political parties. For that reason, no discussion of political matters is permitted in a Lodge.

Freemasonry does not lend itself to the promoting of selfish or mercenary interests.

Contrary to the opinion held by many, Freemasonry is not a charitable institution, as such. But one of the fundamental principles of Freemasonry is the practice of relief.

Freemasonry is not an insurance.

Freemasonry is not a secret society but a society with secrets.

7 Things you may not know about Freemasons


How to join Freemasonry

Contact us to begin your journey.  If you really want to learn more books won’t help you. Just talk to a Freemason – and then decide for yourself.

Freemasonry is a voluntary organization and it is up to a would-be member to ask to be considered for membership

Several times a year we organise events such as the Burns Supper, St. Patrick's Night, BBQs and Masonic "Stammtisch" to which we cordially invite interested guests and their families. This is always a good opportunity to get to know each other and to experience the social life of our Lodge. 

If you prefer a more personal setting for a first contact, we also offer the possibility of introducing you to individual experienced members of our Lodge who.

Get in contact:

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More to explore 

What you should know

Our members have come from all walks of life and each with their own unique story to tell for why they became a Freemason. 

Anyone thinking of becoming a Freemason should be satisfied in his own mind that he desires the intellectual and moral improvement of himself and his fellow citizens; that he is willing to devote part of his time and money to promoting fellowship, charity and integrity and be able to afford it without affecting himself or his family’s commitments; and again that he seeks no commercial, social or pecuniary advantage by wishing to join.

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Grand Lodge BFG

British Freemasonry has been in Germany for more than 50 years. We are all proud to be German Masons and the Grand Lodge of British Freemasonry (GL BFG) is part of the wider United Grand Lodges of Germany which has 4 other constituent Grand Lodges within it. 

Although we are German Masons, we are part of a truly International Grand Lodge and we have members from all four corners of the globe making up our ranks.

visit Grand Lodge BFG

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Our Charity 

Whether taking part in social events or fundraising, charity is at the very heart of Freemasonry. Our members make valuable contributions to deserving causes.

The Worshipful Master's Lodge Charity project 2024/2025 is the parents’ network “gemischte Tüte e. V.” in Düsseldorf. 
This self-help group supports parents of children with rare diseases or disabilities through regular exchanges and mutual assistance. 
Founded on Rare Disease Day 2021, the network provides valuable information on therapy options and promotes an inclusive community. With over 120 active families, “gemischte Tüte” is a significant project that strengthens community and empathy.

read more:


The benefits of Membership

The Freemasons have managed to remain mysterious for hundreds of years, even though we are not a secret society at all. 
But what is the true nature of it?  


Freemasonry induces a strong bond between members and produces life-long one of a kind friendships. You will enjoy mixing and working with men of high integrity and strong principle.

About 2.6 million Freemasons are spread all over the world and you will find it a ready-made group of friends and comradeship everywhere you go. 


A Lodge provides opportunities e.g. in organisation management, public speaking and is character-building.

Masons seek to improve themselves and to help others, not because they think they should, but because they want to.


An essential element of Freemasonry is the care and needs of your Brothers and the whole community. All Freemasons promise to be aware of the needs of those around them.

“Never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up.”


Freemasonry is seen by many of its members to be an oasis where calm and order prevail, therefore providing a distinct and refreshing channel where a busy man can find diversion and relaxation.

Freemasonry will always be, what you put into it. 

contact us

Lodge Niederrhein No. 892
Uhlandstr. 42
40237 Düsseldorf

E-mail: sec892(at)


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